WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne for PC


  1. Add Music = This works in single player mode only: To play the Campaign credits background music, key in "tenthleveltaurenchieftain". 
  2. Cheat Codes = While playing a game, press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type
    one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the
    corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, the
    message "Cheat enabled" will appear.


    Invincibility and one-hit kills whosyourdaddy
    Infinite mana thereisnospoon
    Continue playing after losing
    in campaign mode strengthandhonor
    Full map iseedeadpeople
    Instant victory allyourbasearebelongtous
    Instant defeat somebodysetusupthebomb
    Your and allies heroes are
    level 10 ihavethepower
    Remove spell cool down thedudeabides
    Disable victory conditions itvexesme
    Gold; 500 is default keysersoze [number]
    Lumber; 500 is default leafittome [number]
    Gold and lumber; 500 is default greedisgood [number]
    Fast construction warpten
    Fast death iocainepowder
    Food pointbreak
    Fast research whoisjohngalt
    Upgrades sharpandshiny
    Tech tree unlocked synergy
    Set time to morning riseandshine
    Set time to evening lightsout
    Set time of day daylightsavings [hour]
    Toggle daylight progression daylightsavings
    Trees disappear abrakadabra
    Level select [Note] motherland [race] [level]

    Note: Example: "motherland human 7". Intermission sequences are counted in
    level number.
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